The Arima Dial was a gift to the people of Arima by Mayor Frances Wallen in 1908. Mayor Wallen purchased this gift during a visit to Europe.

The clock at the top of the pedestal was an engineering marvel at the time because, as the older folk would testify, the time mechanism was reported to be controlled by a pendulum, which was powered by a stream which ran through the town. When the water dried up, that mechanism did not function properly and so the clock gave the wrong time. That would explain to those wondering Arimians why there have been so many attempts at repairing their beloved Dial.
However, it was not only the engineering that was remarkable. The Dial was a refreshing stop at that time for tired Arimians returning home after a hard day's work - whether in the surrounding estates or as they toiled to develop the Town centre.

On each face of the rectangular base was sculpted the head of a lion with its mouth open. Through that opened mouth, water would flow once the button above its head was pressed offering some liquid refreshment to the tired townspeople.
It was a practical gift to the burgesses who appreciated the refreshing drink on their way home and who were always reminded, through th clock at the top, of the time they should be heading home to their loved ones, as it did remind them also of the need to get to work on time.
Arima would never be the same without its famous Dial.
The Dial
Arima Borough Corporation Jubilee Publication 2012