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The Story of Arima

Writer: Lorraine VillaroelLorraine Villaroel

Updated: Oct 6, 2024

I love history! So, when Mr. Ashton Forde brought me the fiftieth anniversary publication, Arima: Our Story 1962 - 2012, to say I was excited would be putting it mildly. What a treasure! And to think that I didn't even know this book existed. I hungrily flipped through the pages, my eyes falling on images of old Arima, a young Hillary Bernard, the Icons of Arima and some old familiar faces. I knew I had to share this.

When the Arima Community website was launched, it included a blog I called, 'All About Arima.' The idea being to share, on a regular basis, the stories of the people of Arima, the history of the place. I see the past as the foundation upon which our present is built. We ignore it and neglect to learn from it to our peril. There's a fallacy, I believe, in the notion of not looking back, of only focusing on the future. How would we know how much we've grown or how far we've fallen if we don't occasionally pause to gaze on the landscape of the past? Unless we look back, how can we answer the questions; What lessons have we learnt? What mistakes did we continually repeat? What commitments did we leave unfulfilled? What didn't we appreciate?

That's why, when I received this wonderful treasure, Arima: Our Story 1962 - 2012, I thought I would share it with the people of Arima. To those who may have lost the physical copy and those who may have never known it existed, I hope you enjoy.

Each week, in our blog, All About Arima, I'll post an article from the publication, and I invite you to comment, share your thoughts and memories and most importantly, share with others. Let's reminisce in or enjoy for the first time, the beautiful wonder that is the Borough of Arima.

Here's the foreword from Anthony Garcia:

Anthony Garcia government Minister
Anthony Garcia - Image via
This publication is a gift to the people of Arima on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago. By extension, it is a gift to the nation, because the contents of this book speak as well to the evolution of a country over the period of its independence. As the Chairman of the Education Committee of the Arima Borough Council, few activities have given me greater pleasure.
Within the pages of this book are a few glimpses of the only Royal Chartered Borough of the Western hemisphere. The publication focussed on the fifty years from Independence to the present and the articles have been researched and written by the members of the Education Advisory Committee, all of whom are Arimians and have been educators for all their adult lives.
We hope that the articles bring back fond memories of what Arima was like fifty, thirty or even ten years ago. We hope that mention of 'Sharkie' brings a smile to the faces of those who remember him. We hope that pleasant memories are recalled in being reminded of the Bata Shoe Store, the old Paddock, the exploits of Laura Pierre and football matches between Fulham and Glensdale Sports clubs.
Apart from the fact that it is impossible to have told the history of all persons and institutions who have impacted on the Borough, the committee was constrained by time and availability of information. In an effort to redress this situation and to ensure that a more comprehensive history of Arima be told, the Education Committee of the Council is developing an information bank into which information can be reposited.
Until we meet again in a larger and more comprehensive document, producing this book has been a labour of love that would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Education Advisory Committee. These men and women: Henry Saunders - Chairman, Thomas Isaac, Beulah Garcia, Emma Derick, Cecil Walker, Cagney Cassimir, Jones P. Madeira, Junior Bobb and Keith Subero were eminently qualified because they are all Gens Arime.

Anthony Garcia, Chairman Education Committee

Arima: Our Story 1962 - 2012

Arima Borough Corporation Jubilee Publication 2012

Mayor's Remarks: ...Time to pause and reflect

Today's frenetic lifestyle which we all love to pursue with such zest does not leave us with much time for reflection. In our haste to see, touch, taste, experience all that life has to offer, we often forget to pause and appreciate, truly absorb what has happened to us, to others, to our country, to the world in general and the repercussions and consequences therefrom.
Former mayor of Arima Ghassan Youseph
Mayor Ghassan Youseph
Such contemplation of what has happened, the whys, the wherefores, we leave to the scholars among us thinking them the only ones qualified so to do. To them alone we leave the interpretation of events. To them alone we ascribe the task of remembrance and reflection. But life does not happen only to academics and intellectuals. We, all of us, live. And we, all of us, need to become cognizant not only of our actions and of those around us but also of the import of these actions.
Trinidad and Tobago's celebration of 50 years of Independence has, thankfully, presented us all with an opportunity for reflection. As is appropriate, the country as aa whole is looking back upon the last 50 years, scrutinising, analysing events and actions taken during the past 5 decades, the first 5 decades of our fledgling country and through the lens of our immediate past, fashioning a plan for our future.
More so than many other parts if Trinidad and Tobago, Arima has a long and illustrious history. Indeed, while our country observes 50 years as a nation, next year Arima will mark 125 years as a Royal Chartered Borough. Arima's chartered borough status is not our only claim to uniqueness. As one of the last bastions of the Caribs, the First Peoples of these islands, Arima also claims importance as a hub for ethnic and cultural diversity.
This book chronicles our town's development from 1962 to present. It has been compiled carefully by the burgesses themselves. Loyal Gens Arime who have lived through these times since Independence and have experienced firsthand the changes, some good, some not so good that have taken place in our beloves borough. It is at once a remembrance of the past and a roadmap for our future. For, as is universally acknowledged, yet almost as universally disregarded, we cannot forge a future without an appreciation of our past.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all who contributed to the publication of this important book. I offer my personal thanks to Minister of Planning, Senator the Hon. Bhoendradatt Tewarie for his Ministry's substantial financial contribution which has gone a long way to ensuring the book's professional quality and finish. To the writers, editors, photographers, graphic artists and all technical contributors not forgetting advertisers. I say well done, our borough owes you a debt of gratitude. I also wish to commend councillor Anthony Garcia and Education Advisory Committee of the Arima Borough Council who, with determined foresight, saw their idea to fruition despite the many challenges in their path. Congratulations and may your work be appreciated by all who read our history.

Alderman Ghassan Youseph, Mayor of Arima

Arima: Our Story 1962 - 2012

Arima Borough Corporation Jubilee Publication 2012


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